Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Innovation in Project Management - from FixMyProjectChaos.com

Innovation in Project Management

Many thanks to Elise Stevens and Fix My Project Chaos on Podcast 90– Innovation in Projects with Trish Sutter.

Fixmyprojectchaos.com,  Podcast 90– Innovation in Projects with Trish Sutter, June 20, 2016, ©2016 Fix My Project Chaos.  http://fixmyprojectchaos.com/innovation-on-projects-trish-sutter/

Some take aways from the pod cast:
  1. PMO processes can become inflexible cutting off creativity.
  2. Innovation is continuous process improvement.
  3. Focus on what’s going wrong.
  4. If a company fosters a culture where PMs fear change and then nobody wants to innovate for fear of reprisal and there will be little innovation on projects.
  5. Project managers must have confidence in themselves to take the risk.
  6. Trusting your team to be experts within their own areas, Trust allows them to explore what they can do that is innovative.
  7. Be open minded and creative with your leadership strategy.
  8. Allowing failure, in order to allow innovation on projects. Akin to 1 step back in order to take 2 steps forward.
  9. Many small incremental innovations can all add up to big changes.
  10. Getting external information and stimulation does encourage you and your team to be more innovative.
  11. Allow yourself time to think each day on all ideas.

Armada Business Consulting, Inc.

Need help getting from innovation to execution?  Call me.  For more information contact Trish at trish_sutter@thegoodprojectmanager.com.